Shane Lewis

Shane tem viajado pelo mundo, improvisando técnicas para sobreviver enquanto depende apenas de si mesmo.
Shane cresceu em um orfanato e teve que se adaptar a circunstâncias de constante mudança de vida. Ele saiu do ensino médio para mochileiros em todo o mundo e já passou por mais de setenta países.
Um auto-descrito macho alfa de tipo A, com desprezo pela cultura jovem, Shane considera essa experiência em Naked and Afraid como uma chance de aprender a confiar melhor nos outros.

Idade: 40 anos
Residência atual:
Ocupação: Eletricista
Statotus: Solteiro
Habilidades: Construindo abrigo, abastecimento de água, pesca, identificação de plantas
Redes Sociais: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube

Shane Lewis

Abrir todos os Episódios com participação de Shane Lewis


  1. Oi gostei de vc desde que te vi no largando e pelados.

  2. Seria um privilegio ser sua amiga parabéns pela sua garra torci por vc no largados e pelados todas as vezes e fiquei muito brava com quem não te deu devido valor Deus continue te abençoando 😌😉♥️

  3. Oi shane como gosto das suas participacoes no largados e pelados. Gostaria de conversar contigo .

  4. Shane, my name is Ana Moraes, I'm sorry for the typos and language errors, but I'm Brazilian and I don't speak English, so I had to use the google translator. I really identified with you a lot when I first saw you with Kin in Costa Rica, when you said you didn't have a lot of patience for this generation, I thought, Oh, this is a sensible guy. I saw how you tried to be polite and kind, asking about her life to make her feel comfortable, and she only responded with monosyllables. What a clueless girl !!! She didn't even ask anything about her life. And when you caught that snake, you were very brave, took the food for her to eat and she didn't even thank you, on the contrary, she said it was a puppy, what an ungrateful girl ... She didn't even care when you fell and almost it hurt very seriously, what a crazy girl! I hope that, next time, they will offer you a better companion ... I couldn't believe it when I saw that it almost killed you burned ... Besides, in the end, you spent a lot more energy to keep the camp with enough wood and she spending it all, but at no time did she go and get firewood for you. Would you rather have the old shelter or eat turtle? I wish you hadn't burned me crazy ... Shane you work hard, you're smart, hardworking, conscientious and never give up. Wow!! You lost 20.5 kilos, it shows how much you suffered, but you did not give up, because you have a strong spirit, I am very much a fan of yours. I cheered every minute for you, every fall you took I was worried and, unfortunately, there were several falls, after I heard that you broke several fingers, but did not give up and continued, it just made me admire you more. I hope you do another thousand episodes, because I'm going to see everyone and cheer for you. You're the Shane Lewis guy !!! I looked for your facebook and I didn't find it, I believe that according to your strong personality you should be averse to social networks for not having a lot of patience for these things, but I will try anyway, so here's my facebook: Bellanytta Santiago

  5. E ai amigao quando ira participar novamente do largados e pelados ???

  6. Shane você é muito esforçado é um Toro.

  7. O melhor.. Soldado valente. 👏👏

  8. Não sei porque mas gosto muito do Shane. Parece que te conheço há muitos anos e muito tempo.

  9. don't speak English well, in fact I spoke very poorly. kkkk but I really liked your life story that you told in the 40 days and I didn't like how you were treated by the other 2 participants. I was sad that you gave up. Here in Brazil, the episodes are now playing.


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